Duly Registered in the Navajo Nation
(520) 369-7680

Registered Agent Services

Registered Agent Services in the Navajo Nation

Many companies who are registered in a state jurisdiction are looking to expand their operations, services, products, and offices to the Navajo Nation. However, much to their surprise, Navajo business laws require all businesses who are registering as a foreign entity in the Navajo Nation to have a registered agent that is a resident of the Navajo Nation. Don’t let this requirement prevent you from doing business on the Navajo Nation. Our office can serve as the registered agent for your company for an annual fee. Contact us to inquire about annual fees! We can also assist you with annual filings such as annual reports, forms to document changes in your company, and Form 100.

It can be frustrating not knowing how to navigate the many Navajo Nation offices and departments. Calls and emails may go unanswered. Messages may not be returned, leaving you guessing as to what you need to file, how, and when. Let us handle the frustration for you, so you can get back to running your business!
